75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2023) (English Speech)

75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2023) (English Speech)
Enrolment Information
2023-07-14 Book Lists
2023-08-15 On-line Booking of a Time Slot to View Competition Materials (Ended)
2023-08-18 Rules and Regulations
2023-08-18 Important Dates to be Noted (Rules and Regulations Annex 2) (LCM & VSM)
2023-08-18 Syllabus
2023-08-18 List of Set Pieces (English Speech)
2023-08-18 On-line Enrolment System (OES) User Guide for Members (Member’s Login Required)
2023-08-18 On-line Enrolment System (OES) User Guide for Competitors
2023-08-18 Age Calculator
2023-08-21 List of Universities and Post-secondary Institutes Eligible to Enter the Speech Festival (Rules and Regulations Annex 1) (LCM)
2023-08-21 Enrolment Link for Universities/ Post-secondary Students (English Speech) (Ended)
2024-06-27 Latest! Book List for 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English Speech)
Preparation for Festival
2023-08-18 Frequently Asked Questions
2023-10-03 Video Shooting Tips (VSM)
2023-10-03 Own Choice Form and Piece Submission (Ended)
2023-11-01 Entry Form Receipts and Competition Notification (Member’s Login Required)
2023-11-01 Festival Timetable
2023-11-01 Pre-competition Reminder
2023-11-01 Procedures of Uploading Video (VSM)
2023-11-01 Index of Violation of Rules and Regulations Reference Number
2023-11-07 On-line Video Submission Form (VSM)(Ended)
2023-11-07 Video Submission Record Enquiry for Competitors (VSM) (Ended)
2023-11-07 Technical Support Centre Registration (VSM) (Ended)
2023-11-10 Festival Timetable – Revised Version
2023-11-10 Biography of Adjudicators
2023-11-13 Video Submission Record Report (Member’s Login Required) (VSM)
Results and Awards
2023-08-18 List of Trophies and Prizes
2024-01-23 Competition Result (For Members only) (VSM)
2024-01-23 On-line Booking of Mark Sheets and Pennants Collection (For Members only) (VSM)
2024-01-23 Overall Comment of the Group (VSM)
2024-03-25 On-line Booking of Certificates Collection (For Members only)
Others / Forms
2023-08-18 Acknowledgements
2023-09-13 English Speech Workshops for Teachers (2023)
2023-09-26 Download Own Choice Form (OC Form)
2023-10-25 Alteration Form
2023-11-01 Competitors’ List (Group Classes)
2023-11-01 Body Temperature Declaration Form
2023-11-20 Notice of Re-issuance of Certificates / Prizes (Trophy, Plaque, Pennant)
2024-01-19 Prize-Winners’ Recitals: Ticket Registration