76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival Prize-Winners’ Recitals
76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival Prize-Winners’ Recitals

Event Information and Ticket Obtainment 資訊及門票獲得方式
Ticket Obtainment will be between 30 December 2024 to 13 January 2025. 2024年12月30日起至2025年1月13日期間可索取門票。
Members 會員 For registration, please log in to Member’s Area 請登入會員區登記領取門票
Non-members 非會員 A self-addressed stamped envelope should reach the Association within the above mentioned period; please indicate: 請於上述期間,將已貼上郵票的回郵信封郵寄至協會;信封請註明:
- “76S PWR”;
- the programme 場次 (2:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.);
- the number of tickets required (up to TWO tickets per programme) 門票數量 (每場次最多可領取兩張門票)
Address: 2nd Floor, 7 Carmel Village Street, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong 地址:香港九龍何文田迦密村街七號三樓
Tickets have to be collected in-person at the Association office within 14 – 17 January. Limited tickets are available on a first-come-first-served basis. 1月14至17日期間需於協會辦事處親身領取門票。門票數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 All tickets for both programmes have been distributed. Thank you for your support! 兩場表演門票已全部派發完畢,感謝支持!
Programme 節目