Competitors to Note:
- All Solo / Duo / Group Classes would be held.
- Competitions would be held in “Mixed Mode”. Majority of the classes would be held in “Live Competition Mode (LCM)”, with only some elementary solo classes remain to be held in “Video Submission Mode (VSM)”.
Please refer to Syllabus for more details. Please also read and observe the Rules and Regulations.
The Music Festival Timetable is posted on the Association website between 10:00 a.m. of 6 January 2025 and 5:00 p.m. of 15 January 2025.
Competitors who wish to change their competition information must download the Alteration Application Form and study the procedures given on the form to see if they can make an application or not. The application must be made in person or by a delegated person during the period between 10:00 a.m. of 8 January and 5:00 p.m. of 15 January 2025. Applications via phone call, email, fax or post, etc, will not be accepted.
The Music Festival Timetable - Revised Version will be released on the Association website at 10:00 a.m. on 21 January 2025. If an alteration application is successful, please access the Music Festival Timetable - Revised Version to see if it contains the revised competition details of the competitor.
To access the Festival Timetable:
Input the Membership Number and the Password to view the competition details of the students they entered to the Festival. |
2.Competitors and Parents
Input the Reference Number shown on the Entry Form Receipt / Competition Notification to view the competition details of the competition concerned. |
Entry Form Receipts / Competition Notifications are issued to members by the Association for distribution to competitors. Competitors who do not have Entry Form Receipts / Competition Notifications must contact the members that entered them to the Festival. |
To access the Festival Timetable through the Class Directory, please press this link. |
To complete the Alteration Application Form:
To complete the form, competitors / parents / teachers may need to know the competition details of each / all of the Groups of a particular Class. Please start the search here. |