The 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
(Video Submission Mode)
Mark Sheet and Pennant Collection - Online Booking Form

(Reservation Period: 23 January 2025 (10:00 a.m.) to 18 February 2025)

Competitors MUST obtain the mark sheets and pennants through their Members. Collection of mark sheets and pennants on individual basis will NOT be accepted.

  1. To avoid crowds and reduce the waiting time, if members would like to collect the Mark Sheets and Pennants for the students they entered to the Speech Festival on 27 January to 21 February 2025, they are required to make a reservation via this online booking form in advance.
  2. One reservation would cover collection for both the Chinese Speech and the English Speech.
  3. When a reservation is made successfully, a confirmation slip will be shown on this page. Please print it out.
  4. If any cancellation or changes of booking is required, members must log in to this webpage to make necessary amendments.
  5. Members must present the valid original membership card and a copy of the booking confirmation slip to the Association staff when they collect the mark sheets and pennants. Otherwise, the appointment will not be accepted.
  6. If there are any first-place winner(s), members will collect the awarded pennants together with the mark sheets. Please remember to bring a large envelope.
  7. All unclaimed mark sheets will be destroyed before the commencement of the next Speech Festival.

[From 24 February 2025 onwards, members / representative could collect the mark sheet and pennant (if any) in person by presenting the valid original membership card. No prior booking will be required. If no valid original membership card could be presented, the collection request will not be accepted. For the office hours of the Association, please refer to the Association website]

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Collection Date Timeslot (30 minutes) [Reserve]
19-Feb-2025 (Wed) [09:00] [09:30] [10:00] [10:30] [11:00] [11:30] [12:00] [14:00] [14:30] [15:00] [15:30] [16:00]
20-Feb-2025 (Thu) [09:00] [09:30] [10:00] [10:30] [11:00] [11:30] [12:00] [14:00] [14:30] [15:00] [15:30] [16:00]
21-Feb-2025 (Fri) [09:00] [09:30] [10:00] [10:30] [11:00] [11:30] [12:00] [14:00] [14:30] [15:00] [15:30] [16:00]